Bumper tester
System Description
The purpose of the bump tester is mainly to understand the degree of damage and specific functional degradation of the specimen, when it encounters a repetitive mechanical impact environment, It can also be used to evaluate the structural integrity.
This test is designed to simulate recurring impact effects that equipment and components may encounter during use and transportation, The test is mainly performed on test pieces that are unpackaged or packed in cartons. If it is the latter, it must be performed together with the carton.
During test, the test piece usually fixed on the fixture or on the impact machine test platform , the test is performed with a reproduced half-sine wave, The number of half-sine wave repetitions, wave acceleration and duration are set according to relevant specifications.
Functions Description
- Comply with IEC-68-2-29 testing specification (10g/ 16ms, 15g/6ms, 40g/6ms, 100g/2ms …..).
- Easy installation and simple operation, Low noise , no maintenance required.
- Design with very low resonant-structure , anti-vibration by air bag to effectively isolate floor vibration.
- Adjustable half-sine wave generator , easy adjust with high precision.
- Alloy platform design , Servo motor cam drive and adjustable of test speed.
- Patent design of adjustable acceleration value and shock duration.
The purpose of the bump tester is mainly to understand the degree of damage and specific functional degradation of the specimen, when it encounters a repetitive mechanical impact environment, It can also be used to evaluate the structural integrity.
This test is designed to simulate recurring impact effects that equipment and components may encounter during use and transportation, The test is mainly performed on test pieces that are unpackaged or packed in cartons. If it is the latter, it must be performed together with the carton.
During test, the test piece usually fixed on the fixture or on the impact machine test platform , the test is performed with a reproduced half-sine wave, The number of half-sine wave repetitions, wave acceleration and duration are set according to relevant specifications.
Functions Description
- Comply with IEC-68-2-29 testing specification (10g/ 16ms, 15g/6ms, 40g/6ms, 100g/2ms …..).
- Easy installation and simple operation, Low noise , no maintenance required.
- Design with very low resonant-structure , anti-vibration by air bag to effectively isolate floor vibration.
- Adjustable half-sine wave generator , easy adjust with high precision.
- Alloy platform design , Servo motor cam drive and adjustable of test speed.
- Patent design of adjustable acceleration value and shock duration.