KING DESIGN is the expert in the field of Vibration, shock, and the environment test Equipment; since 1983 King Design has established the technique knowledge in the field and won many enterprises' confidence and support. The brief features of King Design's service provided are listed as follows: Equipment Sales Service, CNLA Laboratory Service, Vibration Diagnostic and Structure improvement consultant, Environment Stress Screen (ESS).

Король Дизайн-директор Дэвид Ли' с презентацией на бумаге Estech 2012

Генеральный директор King Design - Дэвид Ли, презентационный документ на Estech 2012: Система электрического удара молотком, использованная в тесте HALT / HASS - Джеймс Чжуге, King Design Industrial Co., Ltd. [скачать презентационный документ]